Monday, October 26, 2015

Planificare activitati octombrie-noiembrie Grupa Mare





,, Exist, sunt sigur de asta! Dar ştiu atât de puţine despre corpul meu şi locul meu în această lume… Atâtea întrebări! Sunt conştient că am primit în dar viaţa şi vreau să aflu secretul longevităţii. Ştiu că ne naştem într-o familie!”

         Sunt lucruri pe care le spune, cred, orice copil. Pornind de la aceste premise, si, pe o perioadã de trei sãptãmâni, copiii grupei mari vor derula  proiectul tematic Corpul meu cu subtemele : “Corp curat şi sănătos”, “Simţurile” şi  “Curiozităţi despre corpul meu”(evaluare proiect), în cadrul căruia mi-am propus să transmit copiilor, într-o manieră atractivă, informaţii accesibile despre corpul uman, cele cinci simturi, sanatate si mentinerea ei. Doresc sa sprijin copiii sa se cunoască pe sine, sa ia decizii, sa relaţioneze cu ceilalţi, sa-si dezvolte creativitatea pentru a face fata unor situaţii de viata diverse, sa cunoască un mediu nou, plăcut, in care sa socializeze, sa se exprime, sa-si impartaseasca experienţe de viata traite in mediul familial.     


Vã mulţumim !

Copiii şi educatoarea  grupei Albinutelor














Raport engleza 12-23.10.2015 grupa mare



English Class


Weeks 12 – 23 October


Topic: /i/, /p/.

          Numbers. Colours. Family members. Weather.




Classroom Language


Circle Time: Good Morning! How are you?/ I’m fine, thank you! And you?/ Here you are!/ Thank you!/ You’re welcome!/ Can I have some water, please?/ May I go to the toilet?/ What’s the weather like today?



Introducing  „i” ( story + listening to the song )        

Introducing  „p” ( story + listening to the song )       


/i/, /p/ sounds

            Tell the story and then ask the children to help you retell the story. Every child will then use the talking pen to point at something that has the /a/, /t/ sound in it. (This happens for one sound at a time).


Poster & Cards

Show cards to introduce colours – blue, red, green, yellow, white, black, grey, purple, brown, pink, orange.

Show poster and cards to introduce numbers: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Show poster and cards to introduce family members: mother, father, sister, brother, baby, grandmother, grandfather.


Show cards to introduce weather and seasons – cloudy, sunny, rainy, snowy, windy, sun, cold, hot, storm, wind, sping, summer, winter, autumn.


Language game


Spread the cards on the carpet, turn them over and ask the children to pick one and say what he got. If the student knows the item, he can keep it. Each child takes turn in picking cards and at the end the winner is the one with the most cards.


What's missing? - Spread six cards with colours/weather on the carpet. Ask the children to close their eyes, turn a card over, ask the children to open their eyes and tell you what's missing. Every child can come forth and ask his classmates "Close your eyes/ Open your eyes/ What's missing?"


Lets’s play Finger Family! – each child come in front of the class and show on his fingers the family members  he has got.  (I’ve got a big/small family:mother, father…)


“Camera” game: Using the camera, students take a photo of a colleague who is wearing pink/blue/red. (I wear blue/Mihai wears green, etc)


I spy… Using a spyglass, the children take turns being a detective and say what he/ she can spy in the room. „I spy with my little eye a…” red chair, black desk, etc.


Jump on…. Colours and weather cards. (when the child jump on a card he/she must say what is there, on the carpet).


Princess and dragon voices game – repeat the words with princess and dragon voices.


Do you like?students stay in a circle, they pick up a card, without knowing what colour/weather  is there on the card, and after that they ask their colleagues if he/she likes the colour or how the weather is represented on each card. Do you like blue/when it’s rainy? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.


Number song (Playtime)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Say the numbers again and again.


Hot potato – Imagine that the potato teacher has is hot, children must stay in a circle and pass from one to another the hot potato saying the numbers 1…2…3…4….etc. If you miss the number, you are out.


Conversation activities

-          Do you like animals? Do you have a pet?

-          What’s your favourite colour? Describe your friend, what colours is he/she wearing today?

-          How’s the weather like today? What kind of weather do you prefer? Do you like rainy/sunny weather? What’s your favourite season? Why? Can we have a snowman on autumn/spring/summer?



The ants go marching one by one -

Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? -

Ten little indians



The blue balloon – Playtime

It’s raining! - Playtime

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See -



Colour the objects that have an  /i/ sound in them.

Colour the objects that have an  /p/ sound in them.

Colouring worksheet – color the four seasons on a tree: summer, autumn, winter and spring. Add the weather: rainy on autumn, sunny on spring, hot on summer and snowy on winter.


Raport engleza 12-23.10.2015 Grupa Mica


English Class                                                          

Weeks 12 – 23 October

Topic: /i/, /p/.

          Numbers. Colours. Family members. Weather.



Classroom Language


Circle Time: Good Morning! How are you?/ I’m fine, thank you! And you?/ Here you are!/ Thank you!/ You’re welcome!/ Can I have some water, please?/ May I go to the toilet?/ What’s the weather like today?



Introducing  „i” ( story + listening to the song )        

Introducing  „p” ( story + listening to the song )       


/i/, /p/ sounds

            Tell the story and then ask the children to help you retell the story. Every child will then use the talking pen to point at something that has the /a/, /t/ sound in it. (This happens for one sound at a time).

Poster & Cards


Show cards to introduce colours – blue, red, green, yellow, white, black, grey, purple, brown, pink, orange.

Show poster and cards to introduce numbers: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Show poster and cards to introduce family members: mother, father, sister, brother, baby, grandmother, grandfather.


Show cards to introduce weather and seasons – cloudy, sunny, rainy, snowy, windy, sun, cold, hot, storm, wind, sping, summer, winter, autumn.


Language game


Spread the cards on the carpet, turn them over and ask the children to pick one and say what he got. If the student knows the item, he can keep it. Each child takes turn in picking cards and at the end the winner is the one with the most cards.


What's missing? - Spread six cards with colours/weather on the carpet. Ask the children to close their eyes, turn a card over, ask the children to open their eyes and tell you what's missing. Every child can come forth and ask his classmates "Close your eyes/ Open your eyes/ What's missing?"


Lets’s play Finger Family! – each child come in front of the class and show on his fingers the family members  he has got.  (I’ve got a big/small family:mother, father…)


“Camera” game: Using the camera, students take a photo of a colleague who is wearing pink/blue/red. (I wear blue/Mihai wears green, etc)


I spy… Using a spyglass, the children take turns being a detective and say what he/ she can spy in the room. „I spy with my little eye a…” red chair, black desk, etc.


Jump on…. Colours and weather cards. (when the child jump on a card he/she must say what is there, on the carpet).


Princess and dragon voices game – repeat the words with princess and dragon voices.


Do you like?students stay in a circle, they pick up a card, without knowing what colour/weather  is there on the card, and after that they ask their colleagues if he/she likes the colour or how the weather is represented on each card. Do you like blue/when it’s rainy? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.


Number song (Playtime)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Say the numbers again and again.


Hot potato – Imagine that the potato teacher has is hot, children must stay in a circle and pass from one to another the hot potato saying the numbers 1…2…3…4….etc. If you miss the number, you are out.



The ants go marching one by one -

Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? -

Ten little indians




The blue balloon – Playtime

It’s raining! - Playtime

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See -


Activitati grupa mini 26-30.10.2015


TEMA DE STUDIU:  Cand, cum si de ce se intampla?



Activitati de dezvoltare personala
Activitati liber alese
Activitati pe domenii experientiale
Rutine: Salutul de dimineata,Prezenta, Calendarul naturii: Cum este vremea azi?
Întâlnirea de dimineaţă:  “Ce culoare au frunzele?”
Ma pregatesc pentru activitati
Tranziţii: Exercitii de miscare
Biblioteca: “Culorile toamnei”   -    ( citim imagini de toamna)
Joc de rol: “ De vorba cu frunzele ingalbenite”
Arta: ” Frunzele in culorile toamnei”  (pictura)
Exercitii de relaxare
Domeniul Stiinta (DS), Cunoasterea mediului (CM):   “Semnele toamnei”- observare
Rutine: Salutul de dimineata, Prezenta, Calendarul naturii: Cum este vremea azi?
Întâlnirea de dimineaţă: “Toamna este colorata!”
  Ma pregatesc pentru activitati
Tranziţii: Exercitii de miscare
Constructii: “Greble pentru frunzele uscate”
Stiinta: De ce ingalbenesc frunzele? - explicatia
Educatie muzicala: ,,A, a, a acum e toamana, da!” – (repetare cantec)
Exercitii de relaxare
Domeniul Psihomotric (DPM): “Du-te, vino la copac!” – (exercitii de alergare in diferite directii cu oprire si pornire la semnal)
Rutine: Salutul de dimineata, Prezenţa, Calendarul naturii: Cum este vremea azi?
Întâlnirea de dimineaţă: “Cu umbrela la plimbare”
Ma pregatesc pentru activitati
Tranziţii: Exerciţii de miscare
Biblioteca: “Toamna”
(citim imagini despre fenomenele specifice toamnei”)
Joc de rol: ”De-a vantul si frunzele”
 Arta: “ Umbrela”- (lipire hartie colorata)
Exercitii de relaxare
Domeniul Limba si Comunicare (DLC) –
Toamna cea bogata” – (poezie)
Rutine: Salutul, Prezenţa, Calendarul naturii: Cum este vremea azi?
Întâlnirea de dimineaţă: “Frunza, frunza, unde pleci?” Ma pregatesc pentru activitati
Tranziţii: Exerciţii de miscare
DS- Activitate matematica: “ Frunze colorate” ( gruparea dupa culoare si marime)
Biblioteca:  Povestea “Toamna “        ( lectura dupa imagini)            
Arta: “Covor de frunze” – (colaj)
Exercitii de relaxare
Domeniul Om si Societate (DOS):         “ Copiii, prietenii copacilor”-
Rutine: Salutul, Prezenţa, Calendarul naturii: Cum este vremea azi?
Întâlnirea de dimineaţă: “Suntem veseli si vioi/ C-a venit toamna la noi”
Ma pregatesc pentru activitati
Tranziţii: Exercitii de miscare
Joc  distractiv: “Unde s-a ascuns frunza?”
Arta: “Frunze rosii si galbene” (modelaj)
Educatie muzicala: Cantece si jocuri cu text si cant despre anotimpul toamna”
Exercitii de relaxare
Domeniul Stiinta (DS) - Joc onomatopoeic      ( imitarea fenomenelor naturii specifice toamnei: vant, ploaie, tunet)